“From the morning mists to sunset, Valdecaballeros is a video projection that follows a whole day. It contains the story of a failure, that of a nuclear power station built in the Extremadura region of Spain between 1974 and 1984, one which never functioned. The closest village, where nature is struggling to recover, remains fixed on its defunct predator/benefactor, bewitched by it, and continues to undergo the consequences of its very dense presence. In these images marked by the conflictual relations between the environment and the dangerous excesses of productivity, innocence and perversion chase each other along, bifurcating and reflecting each other, erasing distinctions, but obstinately exposing and decrying a harmful reality. Jürgen Nefzger’s gaze is skilled at eliciting alternately enchantment and disorder, knowing in advance that effectiveness is to be found in the tireless movement between the two."

Didier Arnaudet in Art Press #338, 2007

Video, 2006 (17mn)

About Valdecaballeros